- After seeing that wget was not actually getting the source how it was supposed to I made a few changes. So instead of using wget to retrieve commits and the kernel versions I am using git ls-remote it is way better.
- Date now is using the build date instead of the date of the commit
- Instead of looking for the rpmbuild folder in home which is the default directory I am retrieving the information from the %{_topdir} variable. This way if somebody has setup the rmpbuild directory to another location the script will still be able to function properly.
Start of script
#Check if the file contain the commit long exists
#If it does not exist create the file
if [ ! -f ./branches ]; then
touch branches
if [ ! -f ./long_commit ]; then
touch long_commit
if [ ! -f ./page_source ]; then
touch page_source
# Retrieve branches from github - Retrieving branches from ls-remote instead of wget
#wget -qO- https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux | cat | grep 'data-name="rpi' | cut -d '"' -f2 > ./branches
# Delete the patches branch - Used only when using the wget way
#sed -i '$ d' ./branches
# Storing git remote head values on a file
git ls-remote https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux.git > ls_remote
# Retrieving Branches from ls_remote
# The sort is only cheking for the decimal place if a version 4.x comes out this will stop working if 3.x versions
# remain when doing a git ls-remote
cat ls_remote | grep rpi | cut -d '/' -f3 | sort -t $'.' -n -k2,2 > ./branches
# Store latest branch in a variable
branch=$(tail -1 ./branches)
# There are some issues with 3.12.y so I am statically using 3.11.y
# Storing url for use with wget
url=$(echo "https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/tree/$branch/kernel")
wget -qO- $url > ./page_source
# Retrieving informacion from the page source
#commit_date=$( cat ./page_source | grep 'committed <time class="js-relative-date"' | cut -d '"' -f6 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | cut -d '-' -f1-3 --output-delimiter='' )
commit_date=$( date +"%Y%m%d")
long_commit=$( cat ./ls_remote | grep $branch | cut -f1)
short_commit=$( echo $long_commit | cut -c 1-7)
stored_long_commit=$(cat ./long_commit)
# Finding out the %_topdir value to see where the rpmbuild directory is being created
topdir=$( rpm --eval '%{_topdir}')
# If the file is empty store the long_commit variable
# Otherwise compare the long commit form Github with the one in the file
# If they are the same do nothing and exit
# If they are different store the new value in the file and download the new kernel
if [ ! -s ./long_commit ]; then
echo $long_commit > ./long_commit
if [ "$long_commit" == "$stored_long_commit" ] ; then
#Nothing to do
echo "There is no new kernel"
# Replace the old commit with new commit
echo $long_commit > ./long_commit
#Proceed to build kernel
if [ $flag -eq 1 ]; then
# Download previous built kernel to retrieve some necessary files including the spec file
wget http://japan.proximity.on.ca/kojifiles/packages/raspberrypi-kernel/3.11.6/4.20131023git10bc582.rpfr19/src/raspberrypi-kernel-3.11.6-4.20131023git10bc582.rpfr19.src.rpm
# Download new kernel
new_kernel_url=$(echo "https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/tarball/$long_commit")
wget $new_kernel_url
rpm2cpio raspberrypi-kernel-3.11.6-4.20131023git10bc582.rpfr19.src.rpm | cpio -idmv
# rpm -i raspberrypi-kernel-3.11.6-4.20131023git10bc582.rpfr19.src.rpm
# Modifiying SPEC file with info from the new kernel
sed -i "s/commit_date\ .*/commit_date $commit_date/" raspberrypi-kernel.spec
sed -i "s/commit_short\ .*/commit_short $short_commit/" raspberrypi-kernel.spec
sed -i "s/commit_long\ .*/commit_long $long_commit/" raspberrypi-kernel.spec
# Copy spec file to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
cp raspberrypi-kernel.spec $topdir/SPECS/
# Bump SPEC
rpmdev-bumpspec -c "Updated to latest commit" $topdir/SPECS/raspberrypi-kernel.spec
# Copye source files to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
cp first32k.bin.bz2 $topdir/SOURCES
newfile=$(echo "pidora-config-3.11.6-"$short_commit".bz2")
file=$( ls -l | grep 'pidora-config' | awk '{print $9}' )
cp $file $newfile
mv $newfile $topdir/SOURCES
cp "$long_commit" $topdir/SOURCES
# Build rpm source package
rpmbuild -bs $topdir/SPECS/raspberrypi-kernel.spec
# Send Source Package to Koji
release=$( cat ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/raspberrypi-kernel.spec | grep Release | cut -d ' ' -f9 | cut -d '.' -f1)
srcrpm=$(echo "raspberrypi-kernel-3.11.6-"$release"."$commit_date"git"$short_commit".rpfr19.src.rpm")
# koji -s 'http://japan.proximity.on.ca/kojihub' build f18-rpfr-updates-automated $topdir/SRPMS/$srcrpm
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